Yarn Server
Flyoff Serving for Hose Reinforcement

Multiple end reinforcement of hose and tube, in tandem with an extrusion process requires high rotational speeds. This independently driven, 6 “can” unit, uses the flyoff principle and operates at speeds matching the performance of the extrusion process. High torque braking systems and process monitoring devices provide control of the line. Line configurations typically include two units in tandem to achieve continuous extrusion.

Machine Features
- Suitable for yarn packages that can withstand high centrifugal forces without distortion
- Rotational speed typically up to 2000rpm
- System uses “flyoff” payoff principle
- Suitable for integration into tandem server/extrusion line for continuous operation
- Unique “can” design assists yarn payoff
- Yarn tension though spring loaded pressure plates
- Polished ceramic guides
- Broken yarn or yarn run out sensor integrated into the line controls
- Rigid sound proof safely guard package ensures quiet and safe operation
- Integrated drive and control package with auxiliary equipment to suit each application