Strip Armouring
Submersible Pump Cable

A flexible metallic armour for the physical protection of Submersible Pump Cable. Suitable for round, flat, and triangular armour, with a wide range of armour materials to suit the requirements of this demanding application. Optional single and multiple roll-forming heads, available for different wire and strip armour applications, complete the flexibility of this process. Typical materials include Monel, Galvanized and Stainless Steel.

Machine Features
- Rotational Speeds to 800rpm with strip feed speeds up to 130m/min or 400ft/min
- Package size 36in (900mm)OD * 12in (300mm) wide. Package weight to 1500lb (700kg)
- Product specific tooling with product performance guarantee for common products
- Alternative head options include one, two and three driven roll sets
- Typical strip widths between 6.0-25.0mm; 0.25-1.0in
- Typical materials include Aluminum, Galvanised Steel, Stainless Steel, Monel among others
- Electronic strip tensioning system ensures constant strip tension throughout speed range and package depletion
- Metered lubrication minimizes usage while maintaining film for high speed operation
- Sub assembly dynamic balancing prior to assembly provide smooth high speed performance
- Plate guard panels with sandwich sheet steel doors, safety interlocked, ensure quiet and safe operation
- Integrated drive and control package with auxiliary equipment to suit each application