Single Twist Cabler 1
Rigid Cabling with the Single Twist Cabler

This flexible Rigid Cabler has the advantage of almost twice the speed capability of the Drum Twister, and is ideally suited to the cabling of multiple elements up to 50mm or 2.0in in diameter. It further exceeds the overall output of the Bow Twister when filling and taping are elements of the construction. Typical operating data is a 1500mm or 60in machine with a maximum speed of 300rpm. Optional twist-compensated payoffs complete the line for elements requiring Planetary assembly.

Machine Features
- Frame/Cradle type design for larger product cradle, typically up to 50mm or 2.0in
- Powered loading platform to suit range of Take-Up reels
- Available as a “Capstanless” configuration or with integral or separate Dual Wheel Capstan
- Independent drives throughout i.e. Flyer, Capstan Take-up and Traverse
- Totally enclosed sound proof enclosure with access doors for ease of servicing and viewing
- Generous wire path for low contact pressure between product and guiding system
- Integrated drive and control package with auxiliary equipment to suit each application