Rigid Cabler
Planetary Cabling - Fiber Optic Bundles

This high speed stranding line for “Fan Out” Cables features semi-automatic loading ensuring high up-time. The use of a pneumatic tensioning system with independent drives and large accumulation at each bobbin position ensures the preset tension is maintained throughout the run. The semi-automatic loading system shortens with staging time from one bobbin set to the next. Suitable for bobbin packages to DIN 800mm or 30in.

Machine Features
- High rotational speeds with 2 and 4 bobbins per flyer
- Cage configurations to 36 bobbin positions.
- Suitable for bobbins up to 800mm or 30in
- Optional manual or semi automatic loading for single bobbin or rows of bobbins
- Cage dedicated cage loaders or single line traveling loader available to optimize run time
- Optional tensioning systems from dancer feedback with a separate drive to each bobbin position to simple diameter compensated mechanical braking system
- Mechanical power assisted pintle opening/closing mechanism safety locked. Optional electronic monitoring of safety device
- Optional filler and tension element rings to suit product range
- Integrated drive and control package with auxiliary equipment to suit each application