Planetary Cabler
Planetary Cabling for Steel Tube Umbilicals

This custom trunnion supported planetary cage cabling solution is ideally suited for the assembly of umbilicals to 500mm or 20in in diameter, for the oil and gas sector. Typically configured with large diameter carousel type Payoffs and Takeups, this Planetary Cage solution can be equipped for different numbers of elements with a wide variety of auxiliary components including Fillers, Power Cables; Heating Elements, Control Wires, and Communication Links. A versatile solution for these custom assemblies.

Machine Features
- Typical principal payoff reel capacity to 3000mm or 120in. with weight capacity to 25 tonnes
- Closed Cradle design with safety interlocked powered pintle closing suitable for overhead crane loading
- Individually powered cradle rotation which can be set for Rigid,
- Planetary or Variable Backtwist mode
- Multiple electronic cradle mounted tensioning systems to suit range of elements required
- Walk though large diameter centre mast construction facilitating safe loading and threading practices
- Roll in filler head for interstitial filler and elements that can be assembled in a “rigid” mode
- Custom preform and powered closing die arrangements
- Non metallic ring guides and rollers closely guide the product from the payoff through to the closing die
- Integrated drive and control package with auxiliary equipment to suit each application